
Corelli: Concerti Grossi Op 6

Corelli: Concerti Grossi Op 6

The Brandenburg Consort, Roy Goodman (conductor)


Les vingt-quatre violons du Roi—the orchestra established at the court of Versailles under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632–1687)—set a standard of orchestral discipline and instrumental technique which became the envy of seventeenth-century Europe. In 1663 the ten-year-old Georg Muffat went to Paris to study with Lully and in the prefaces to his two sets of suites Florilegium I & II (published 1695/8) and his Concerti Grossi (1701) he described Lully’s style and the different ways of playing dance music, providing a substantial treatise on bowing, ornamentation and orchestral disposition. Muffat also included many valuable comparisons and observations from his experiences in Italy, since, in the early 1680s, he studied in Rome with both Bernardo Pasquini and Arcangelo Corelli.

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